Waking up in the Dream, A Guidance through the Process of a Personal Awakening

Season #1 Episode #9

In the 9th signature episode of the Sacred Dynamics Podcast, Ro and J invite listeners on a profound journey of awakening – the process of "Waking Up in the Dream." This episode is a powerful exploration of personal transformation, a story of discovering one's true Self amid the distractions and illusions of life. Ro and J begin by defining spiritual awakening as a process akin to "waking up from amnesia." It's the moment when individuals start to see beyond the material world, moving away from a life that resembles a dream or a movie. They suggest that this awakening occurs when the usual programs and distractions in life begin to wear down. It's a call to something higher, a deeper purpose waiting to be embraced. Recognizing a spiritual awakening is not always easy, the hosts describe it as a period when things and people no longer seem as they once did. There are "glitches in the matrix," and individuals experience a unique sense of detachment from the material world they once knew. Ro and J acknowledge the isolating loneliness that often accompanies spiritual awakening and describes it as part of the process, a necessary solitude for self-discovery. One crucial aspect of this transformation is letting go of attachments. The hosts emphasize that releasing unhealthy associations and patterns is essential for growth and Self-realization. Navigating relationships can also become a challenge as people change and grow, as they often find themselves disconnected from old friends and family members who are not aligned with their new path. The desire to find a new, supportive community becomes compelling. Cultivating self-awareness is a fundamental part of this awakening. Ro and J stress the importance of practices like meditation and mindfulness in this process of self-discovery. They outline seven stages of spiritual awakening, starting with questioning everything and moving towards expanded consciousness and self-realization. Throughout this journey, individuals become more intuitive, compassionate, and empathetic. It's as if they develop a heightened sense of the world around them. The hosts share that the final stage involves surrendering the ego and realizing the true Self. In this state, all sense of separateness dissolves, and a profound unity with the universe is experienced. In essence, this episode is a story of personal transformation – a journey from confusion and illusion to clarity and self-realization. Ro and J offer valuable insights and guidance for anyone on the path of spiritual awakening, reminding us that this process is both challenging and deeply rewarding. This timeless episode is akin to a guidebook for spiritual awakening. Timestamps: (10:40) J describes the possible signs of a spiritual awakening (25:10) Ro and J discuss the purpose of the dark night of the soul (30:37) J drops a bombshell on the reason for pain (33:58) Ro asks why we are born asleep, and if we have to wake up to find life’s meaning (49:20) Ro reiterates profound points on unexamined wounds and the role of trauma work (55:35) J describes navigating relationships and finding one’s tribe (1:17:38) Ro asks J to list the 7 stages of the spiritual awakening SPECIAL THANKS to the SACRED CREW: Karen Stewart, Marina Aleman, Ilana Bielak, Jessica Trinity, Jorge Gonzalez, Oscar Benitez, Gibran Fitch and Aaron Cruz. LINKS: Website: sacredynamics.com Website / Sacred Mastery School: https://www.sacredynamics.com/sacredmasteryschool Website / GHK: https://www.sacredynamics.com/ghk Insta: https://www.instagram.com/sacredynamics/ Telegram: https://t.me/infosacredynamics