Life Isn't Happening to You - Life is Responding to You

Sacred Dynamics is a transformative guided experiential journey… of seeing things as they actually are right now, and revealing the spontaneous release of what had previously been blocking one’s healing and unlimited natural flowing state, revealing living in purpose, at full potential Now.

"The ultimate form of wisdom is not something we do; it is our true nature and being. It isn't just information or intellectual learning.
Wisdom may sound like knowledge, but it is more like our luminous, pure authentic inner being. Can we tune into that? Can we trust that? That awareness is transcendental wisdom."
~Lama Surya Das

Explore and be moved by what’s moving us on the Sacred Dynamics Podcast


Join J and Ro as they dive deep through Consciousness -  the fundamental fabric of existence. They discuss the  healing and awakening process, spiritual sovereignty, deception on the path, natural laws, and dare to tackle the greatest of all quests - the journey of Self Realization.

Through the simple yet profound gateway of the Heart, we will unify the Sacred Living story, our symbiotic relationship with nature, and the collective restoration of humanity.

Listen to the Podcast

The solutions to every challenge you may be currently facing

can be found inside of you. 

True intuitive guidance is rare and, thus, extremely valuable. Sacred Dynamics offers this rare intuitive guidance with training and support for healing and awakening. 

Drawing from timeless Self-knowledge; the wisdom of the Universal Heart, intuitive breath-work and mind training, holistic wellness tools, the five biological laws, mind-body training, and spiritual practices, we make the quantum leap together. 


Meet J


“Sacred Dynamics is a very precise term I use to describe the observable reoccurring natural patterns, laws and rhythms of the universe, latent here and now, continuously referenced in the majority of traditional and ancient sacred wisdom.” ~ J

Jason Micheal Smith (J) grew up in a rural northern setting where he experienced the freedom of country life, often spending time in sunny silence, contemplating the swaying of the tall grass. J also came to understand the power and benevolence of nature, watching in wonder as animals and plants allowed nature to heal them.

While still a child, a gift for music along with diligent practice earned him numerous awards and a spot in an adult orchestra. The skill of excelling under pressure would later play a huge role in his life. 

As a young adult J’s intuition moved him to leave the grip he felt by a contrived corporate system. He moved to an international setting where he again reached award-winning excellence, this time using his motivational coaching and mentoring abilities. This backdrop also inspired him to practice yoga and nurture his love of music and art. 

It was during this time he had a synchronous meeting with the woman who would become his beloved wife and mother of his two children. But as can happen, J’s focus gradually shifted to material desires.

Paradise to paradox… J experienced a personal stage-four health challenge, dire prognosis and rapidly deteriorating health descent that invoked a transformational journey that included a near-death experience. Seemingly on trial by fire, this young husband and father had his health and finances decimated. 

Working against the odds presented, J turned to the power of natural healing - physically, mentally and spiritually. He entered into years of deeply devoted spiritual practice and study that led to a major wake-up call sequence and raised Kundalini. His illness was completely eradicated.

A fuse had been lit within, and J experienced increasing levels of comprehension, coherence and intuition. He gained certifications in numerous modalities, from advanced Breath Work to Qigong,  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and many more.

J then alchemized the transformational journey through a 1,440-consecutive day personal retreat. He was able to merge with the cosmic heart at a profound level of Self-realization, embodying his comprehension of pranayama and applying numerous metaphorical teachings of the ancient masters. 

As word of his knowledge and abilities grew, requests for mentorship led him to create Sacred Dynamics, the synthesis of the mind, body, and spirit complex.

With honor, J serves as a guide to navigating advanced healing and conscious awakening on the path to Self-realization.

"Sacred Dynamics has allowed me to up-level my understanding of consciousness through education as well as breath work. The content allows all who are open to embrace a new perspective and create expansive growth on all levels."

Brooke Donovan

"I first met J following the diagnosis of a major health opportunity. What I’ve learned working with him could easily fill an entire book. The short version would read, “Let Go, Enter the Heart and Enliven the Spirit.” Sacred Dynamics is a brilliantly integrated approach to health, spirituality and wellness."

Maxine Jacobson

"This work can be done by anyone. The support and enthusiasm from J and Ro is contagious. I looked forward to the sessions each week to reinvigorate my practice. Its an easy entry to healing and to an engagement with greater energy, right away. "

 Mark Cruz

"It was always me who needed to show up" and this course provides good tools to commit to your life and start taking active responsibility. Since I have been in this course I have asked myself how to make “any day” “The day” and without a doubt I have enjoyed life more, being present and willing to heal."

 Ilana Bielak

Consultation Call with J

Book a 45 min consultation call to discuss private in-person or online sessions. This is the recommended first step for new clients.

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Self-Initiation LIVE in Baja, Mexico, Nov. 2024

Unlock your Unlimited Self in pristine southern Baja, Mexico.  

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Book a Session Series with J

Experience deeply personal Self expansion with a series of regular 90 minute private, live in-person or online training sessions.

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Construct the internal architecture to support spontaneous healing, limitless presence, creativity and unconditional love.

It’s about the journey, not the destination

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